Teasing, or Being an Asshole?

Teasing is a very delicate and almost odd activity. It can be used as a means of strengthening a relationship and having a good time, but it also is used as a veneer to jerk people around. Sometimes we even think it is one while it is kind of another, and the hardest thing to analyze is when it is truly both at the same time.

Kids Who Aren’t There

Before the 90s, kids first started going out to play unsupervised at some point between 5-8 years old. Today this has changed to 10-16 years old. I was just considering how this happens. You probably don’t need 100% of people to agree on the change. In fact, you probably only need a small minority.

Exercising Power Based on a Whim

Teachers, parents and other central planners decide certain aspects of how people, usually children, are treated. People like to think these people are objective, considerate, and have a sense of justice in how they treat people. When a person believes that this person of authority violated their implied objectivity, consideration, or sense of justice … it will often come in the form of telling them that they aren’t being fair.