The Bill of Rights is Worthless

The parasites count on the deterrent effect that comes from the threat of punishment to control people’s behavior, at least to some extent. Without a specific “or else” part, a “law” would just be a suggestion. “You’re not allowed to do that! But if you do, we’re not going to do anything to you anyway.” What would that deter? Nothing.

When So-Called Anarchists Look to the State as Savior

This is a crisis! Government needs to act! Look at all these scary stories about incidents of immigrants committing violence! Is that what you want?! If you oppose closed borders, you must approve of the violence going on! Sure, not all people trying to immigrate here intend to do nasty things, but some are going to, and the only way to be safe is to enforce laws stopping anyone from crossing the border, or at least requiring that people can only cross the border if they get permission from government first!

There Needs to be a Big Wall

I don’t speak the language of the people there, and few of them spoke English. Literally hundreds of people had the opportunity to attack me, rob me, or kill me. None did. That did not surprise me. Several of them gave me food and other stuff, in exchange for pieces of paper. Words were not needed for that to happen. Mutual respect and courtesy abounded, as did mutually beneficial interaction.

Have the Balls to Admit Your Bigotry

There are a number of people who are xenophobic, nationalist, racist dumbasses, who want the violence of “government” used to keep everyone away who isn’t quite like them. However, in that category are two types: 1) those who openly admit what they think and what they condone, and; 2) those who use “code” rhetoric, intentionally speak in vague euphemisms, and pretend to not be what they are. I can’t decide which I like less.

Civic Religion Impedes Clear Thinking

Even I sometimes forget how thoroughly the religious belief in political “authority” mangles people’s ability to think. For example, a certain statist just expressed genuine confusion and bafflement when trying to comprehend this: Sometimes I don’t want “A” to happen, and yet I don’t feel justified in using force (on my own or via “government”) to prevent “A” from happening.

Lock Up Young Men for Safety

Allowing young men – let’s say age 18 to 23 – to be free increases the crime rate, as young men commit a disproportionately high percentage of violent crimes. Doesn’t that fact justify locking up all men between the ages of 18 and 23? If it would dramatically reduce violent crime, and therefore reduce overall aggression, wouldn’t that mean that such an action constitutes moral defensive force?