Lessons from Building Praxis – Part 4

Ever heard that riddle about whether you should take a million dollars or a penny, doubled each day for a month?  Take the penny.  You’ll end up with $1.3M if it’s a 28-day month, and as much as $10.7M if it’s a 31-day month. Doubling is extreme, but even growth of a fraction of a percent compounded every single day can achieve mind-boggling results.  When you’re trying to go from idea to inception, progress each day is crucial.  You can’t get stuck waiting for one big leap.  You need to take at least one step every single day.

Meaningful Learning Is Just-in-Time, Not Just-in-Case

Average people learn what they need to avoid pain. Elite people learn what they need to get the grade, ace the test, win the award, gain certification, impress people, and obtain honors. Ascendant people don’t care about accolades or awards or tests or stickers or stars. They learn exactly what’s needed to solve a problem that matters to them, exactly when it’s needed. No more, no less. No sooner, no later.