Will it Still Matter 100 Years From Now?

We live in an amazing world. Our ability to communicate across vast distances in real-time is unlike anything that has ever been witnessed in human history. I can know what you had for breakfast today, what my cousin Jimmy did for his birthday last night, which NBA teams are discussing trades, and which countries are angry at each other all in a single glance of my newsfeed on Twitter. There are literally thousands of things to react to in any given minute. So much to react to. So little time.

Con Trolling

Here’s how it works: a troll preys on your need to be affirmed. Nearly everything that a troll does is to signal a message to you that says “I don’t like you and I’m not going to grant you the gift of my approval.” Once you start using arguments as a means of begging the troll to become your ally, the troll wins. Now he/she can simply play the easy and endless game of using everything you say as a basis for offering responses that make you feel more desperate for their acceptance and more frustrated for not receiving it.

Do Unto Others

The golden rule doesn’t mean you should buy chocolate ice cream for others merely because you like chocolate ice cream. It doesn’t mean you should throw surprise birthday parties for your friends just because you happen to love surprise birthday parties. The golden rule is a principle of moral symmetry. It simply means that you should consider other people’s unique needs, concerns, and sensitivities just as you would like them to consider your unique needs, concerns, and sensitivities.

Two Kinds of Peace

Writes T. K. Coleman: There are two kinds of peace. The first kind of peace stems from the absence of contrast. It’s the kind of peace we feel when we’re not being challenged. The second kind of peace arises from self-knowledge. It’s rooted in the confidence we have in our own ability to adapt, evolve,…

When Reality Sets In

Writes T. K. Coleman: We begin by dreaming. Once dreams are pursued, “the reality” sets in. But what we call “the reality” –sacrifices, hardships, compromises, setbacks, etc–is all a part of the dream. The realities that seem to contradict our dreams do not belong to some other realm that must be ignored or defeated. Those…

Re: Free Your Mind

Writes T. K. Coleman: Frederick Douglass wrote: “Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” An awakened mind makes an autonomous man. Our experience of freedom is directly proportional to our quality of perception and the world’s capacity to make us feel powerless is no greater than the ignorance we have of our own…