Censorship as an Investment: Turn Two Cents Into $311,562!

Writing at Antiwar.com, Natylie Baldwin reports on letters sent in October by the US Treasury Department to American writers Daniel Lazare and Michael Averko, threatening fines of up to “$311,562 or twice the value of the underlying transaction.” The “underlying transaction” in question? Getting paid to write for a publication the US government disapproves of: … Continue reading Censorship as an Investment: Turn Two Cents Into $311,562!

Criminal Justice Reform Needs to Catch Up With the Meaning of “Public”

“Join me,” US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tweeted on November 29, “in demanding the #GhislaineMaxwellTrial be public.” In reply, attorney (and former Libertarian National Committee chair) Nicholas Sarwark tweeted “Is the Congresswoman unaware that all Federal criminal trials are public, as required by our Constitution?” Mr. Sarwark is correct, but Congresswoman Greene has a point.

OMG, Omicron: Next Step Down the Path From Pandemic to Endemic?

Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — and the mainstream media’s favorite administration flack/hack/quack — gleefully announced an intention to do “anything and everything” in the name of combating Omicron, but seemed crestfallen that it’s still “too early to say” whether new lockdowns or mandates are in the offing.