Police Academy, Rigged Game, Benign Religion, Passing Laws, & Grand Ambition (25m) – Episode 460

Episode 460 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: the preference for a 4 year police academy instead of a 6 month one; the Gamestop incident and revealing the rigged game; non-religious people and privately practiced religion; Marjorie Taylor Greene being allowed to help pass laws while Colin Kaepernick lost his job; and the need for a purpose or grand ambition in life.

Roderick Long: An Anarchist Legal Order (1h30m)

This episode features a lecture by philosopher Roderick Long from 2006. A legal system is an institution to provide dispute resolution through judicial, legislative and executive functions. The state is that which maintains in large part a monopoly over force, geography and the legal system. What’s wrong with a forcible monopoly? You are saying that you are the only one who has this right. Under anarchy there is equality of authority. No one has monopolies of force or jurisdiction. Dispute resolutions are referred to arbitration. Anarchy is founded when one bypasses the state into voluntary system and the state withers away.

GameStop Short Squeeze, Ontario Barbershop, & Scottish Secession (28m) – Episode 458

Episode 458 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: the short squeeze that happened to, at least, GameStop stock, costing one hedge fund $13.1B in losses (see Wikipedia); from CTVNews.com, “Ontario barbershop reopens despite provincial lockdown using loophole”; and from Reuters.com, “Scottish nationalists lay groundwork for second independence referendum”.