Professional Value, Insufferable Bitch, Responsibility, & Child Leashes (27m) – Episode 351

Episode 351 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: yathatisveryadequate writes, “Animators should be payed WAY more than actors” and jdkdkdms writes, “Scientist should be paid more than Atheletes”; Agent_Ayru writes, “‘I’m not a morning person’ isn’t an excuse to be an insufferable bitch”; DarkMausey writes, “We are creating a society where no one is responsible for anything, and that’s a problem”; and Tweezot writes, “Keeping small children on leashes in public is extremely practical and shouldn’t be considered ‘weird’.”

Civil Liberties, Bootstraps, Labor Unions, & Capitalism (22m) – Episode 350

Episode 350 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: how civil liberties or civil rights are conceived by the masses; the importance of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps in making your life meaningful; why labor unions may bargain collectively but may not engage in coercion; and why capitalistic greed has nothing to do with people who suffer and die for lack of the goods and services they need to survive; and more.

Flagpoles, Chaos, Nationalism, & Disillusionment (43m) – Episode 349

Episode 349 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following questions from Quora: “How would libertarian society keep individuals from devolving into chaos?”; “Isn’t libertarianism incompatible with nationalism?”; “What does it take for someone to finally admit their religion or political ideology is wrong?”; and a look at the flagpole challenge to the Non-Aggression Principle by David Friedman.

Chris J. Returns, Delivery Work, Kamala Harris, & Politicizing Science (45m) – Episode 348

Episode 348 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: delivery work under Amazon for Chris and food delivery for Skyler; Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick; pandemics and the waning tolerance of lockdowns across the world; the danger and foolishness in politicizing science; Ron Paul’s moment in the sun and whether that was a fluke; and more.

Work in Progress & Emotional Mastery (23m) – Episode 016

Episode 016 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Epictetus who wrote, ““Show me someone sick and happy, in danger and happy, dying and happy, exiled and happy, disgraced and happy. Show me! By God, how much I’d like to see a Stoic. But since you can’t show me someone that perfectly formed, at least show me someone actively forming themselves so, inclined in this way. . . . Show me!”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a discussion which began with, “The whole thing with removing emotion from things in life makes me just more depressed and has led me to stop reading into stoiscm. Do u have any advice for me?”

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Four (24m) – Episode 347

Episode 334 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A businessman calls himself boss, but his goal is to serve others. A politician calls himself servant, but his goal is to boss others.”; “A collectivist in a libertarian society may be an odd duck, but an individualist in a statist society can only be a milk cow.”; “A fool complains about the lack of equality of opportunity. A person of reason appreciates the abundance of diversity of opportunity.”; “Fulfillment: the frame of mind in which success is neither a process nor an event, but a state of being.”; “A libertarian boor is a possibility, but a statist gentleman is a contradiction.”; “A scientist believes that science is a source of knowledge. A pseudoscientist believes that science is the source of knowledge.”