Dads and Moms, Useable Organs, Historical Standards, & Unpaid Internships (28m) – Episode 409

Episode 409 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: this_justin__ writes, “Dads dont get enough credit for the work they put into raising a kid”; real_mangle_official writes, “If the only reason you can think of for your children to respect you is that you gave birth to them, you have no reason to be respected”; diobreads writes, “Useable organs of dead people should be harvested, no matter what the family says”; Ocean_faux writes, “Judging past historical figures actions by today’s standards is totally unfair to them.”; and Kaktus_ writes, “Unpaid internships should be illegal”.

Social Media Companies, Conversion Therapy, & Wizard’s Fourteenth Rule (24m) – Episode 408

Episode 408 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the obligation that social media companies have to ensure US election integrity; the manipulative and abusive practices that are gay conversion therapy from the right and body conversion therapy from the left; and the conclusion to the Wizard’s Rules mini-series with Wizard’s Fourteenth Rule: “In this world, everyone must die. None of us has any choice in that. Our choice is how we wish to live.”

Capitalism, Communist Tax Evasion, Section 230, & Libertarian Congress (23m) – Episode 407

Episode 407 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: @TikTokInvestors shares, “So capitalism is an economic system based on infinite ‘growth’ and infinite consumption…”; buttstuff_magoo writes, “In fact, not paying taxes is as communist as it gets. It’s free riding and profiting off of the contributions of others while contributing nothing yourself.”; Stunning_Capital writes, “I don’t see anything un-libertarian about repealing Section 230. These companies are protected from defamation suits on the grounds that they merely provide a public square. Well if they don’t want to provide a public square, that’s fine, but then they should be held liable for defamation just like the rest of us.”; and @omidG9 tweets, “Well one reason congress doesn’t work is libertarians don’t know how to run a government so they just blame the institution instead of themselves”.

The Great Barrington Declaration (24m) – Episode 406

Episode 406 has Skyler giving his commentary on The Great Barrington Declaration, “a proposal drafted at the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and signed there on October 4th, 2020. It advocates an alternative, risk-based approach to the COVID-19 pandemic that involves “Focused Protection” of those most at risk and seeks to avoid or minimize the societal harm of lockdowns.” Skyler signed the declaration as a “concerned citizen” after recording this episode.

SC Planned Parenthood, Rape Death Penalty, Betelgeuse, & Blindness Gene Therapy (36m) – Episode 404

Episode 404 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “US Supreme Court rejects SC’s effort to cut off public funding for Planned Parenthood”; from, “Bangladesh approves death penalty for rape cases after protests”; from, “Betelgeuse is 25 percent closer than scientists thought”; and from, “Gene therapy brings back 8-year-old Canadian boy’s sight”.

Julieta Returns, Child Problems, Sons & Daughters, Bad People, & Financial Responsibility (37m) – Episode 403

Episode 403 has Skyler and Julieta giving their commentary on the following questions from Quora: “If you are giving complete freedom to your child to live his or her life however they want, if some problem arises should they face it alone?”; “Do fathers treat sons and daughters differently?”; “Are parents really responsible if their child becomes a bad person?”; and “How long are your parents financially responsible for you?”