Authorities They Are Not

Political discourse is an open-access activity. Anyone can have a say. Among those whose opinions and allegations receive the most notice are celebrities — especially entertainers, actors, TV news figure and pundits, athletes, and people who are famous only for being famous — and politicians. The prominent attention that these persons’ statements garner is unfortunate, to say the least.

Stupider than Sheep

Sheep, we may presume, do not believe that their shepherd, who decides when to shear and when to slaughter them, acts in their best interest and accordingly seeks only to protect, preserve, and enhance the quality of their fold and grazing range. Sheep thereby demonstrate that they are not so easily bamboozled as humans.

Voluntary Provision of a So-called Public Good

This is the trouble with neoclassical welfare economics, amigos: it’s not a decent theory, but it’s a dandy rationale for government to coerce people right and left ostensibly in order to supply valuable public goods, many of which are mere boondoggles for government contractors and magnets for corruption of the legislators and bureaucrats who impose the projects on an often-unwilling public.