What If…?

Some are now giving credit to the “militia” who showed up at Cliven Bundy’s besieged Nevada ranch this weekend for turning back the federal enforcers, but I’m afraid I remain unconvinced. What would have happened if the gang of tax-fattened government hitmen had actually unleashed the fury of their amassed weapons of war against the…

A Simple Request

In my experience the primary reason why individuals reject libertarian philosophy is because they are unwilling to tolerate the notion that free people may engage in activity of which they don’t approve. They imagine that the world would be “better” without gambling, alcohol, drugs, pornography, prostitution, violent video games, guns, knives, single-parent households, trans fats,…

A False Equivalency

When libertarians talk about criminal justice reform, we often draw a distinction between real crime and “victimless crime.” The term is actually an oxymoron, however, as an act that does not victimize another cannot be a crime. What we are referring to are voluntary actions that do not harm anyone against their will, but which…

The Ethics of Torture

NOTE: This blog post contains mild spoilers for the 2013 Hugh Jackman movie “Prisoners.” An intriguing movie on many levels, “Prisoners” sets up a very thought-provoking scenario in which the father of a kidnapped girl has extremely strong evidence that a particular suspect is guilty of or at least involved in the kidnapping. The evidence…