In Love with the Heartbreaking Beauty of the Discomfort

With my body in pain, I looked up at the sunlight and kept my heart open. And I took in the heartbreaking beauty of life. I witnessed it, and found it to be miraculous, pain and struggle and discomfort and all. It wasn’t beautiful in spite of the pain — the pain was a part of its total beauty. The struggle and discomfort itself was heart-renderingly gorgeous, as was everything else in the moment.

The First Hour: Creating Powerful Mornings

It’s easy to fritter your day away doing a thousand small harmless actions … but the essential actions get put off. The antidote, I’ve found, is putting a little emphasis on making the first hour of your day the most powerful hour. Treating that first hour as sacred, not to be wasted on trivial things, but to be filled with only the most essential, most life-changing actions.