What’s So Bad about Globalism?

So nationalists love to rant and rave about the dangers of “globalism,” which seems odd to me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the meaning of “globalism” seems pretty unclear, considering how different people define it. If it is used to mean global “government,” then I oppose it – not because it’s global, but because it’s authoritarian. But some people use the term to just mean thinking that we should kind of care about everyone on the planet, without regard to politician-created lines and borders. If that’s the definition, then I – and all voluntaryists – would be “globalists.”

An Open Letter to a Statist

If you have an opinion about politics that differs from mine, I can’t just ignore the difference and get along with you. Why not? Because any “political” opinion that differs from mine necessarily includes you wanting men with guns forcing me to live my life, make my choices, and spend my money according to your preferences and whims. There is no such thing, and can be no such thing, as a tolerant statist. If you want peaceful coexistence, you have to stop advocating violent aggression against your fellow man.

Oppression: Symptoms and Causes

It doesn’t take any great perceptiveness or astute powers of observation to notice that a lot is wrong with the world today. But if those loudly reporting the “wrongness” aren’t also aware of the root causes, and what can be done to actually change things, then mostly the message just becomes frustrating and depressing to listen to. And if people continually express righteous anger and indignation at the injustice they see, only to then propose pointless, worthless solutions—or no solutions at all—that doesn’t really help.

Constitutions, and Other Magic Tricks

So, according to constitutionalists, the “founders” got together, did their rituals and meetings and made their documents and stuff, and then presto chango, the United States “government” suddenly had the right to boss people around here – albeit in a supposedly “limited” way. And now, if you want something changed, you have to go through the amendment process, or vote different “representatives” into office, use the established “checks and balances,” and so on. Because hey, it’s the “law of the land,” and all that.

Scribbles and Bullshit Rituals

Once upon a time, a group of people, without my cooperation or approval–and in fact, well before I was even born–proclaimed that they were going to forcibly rob and control anyone existing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. To claim that me existing on the continent therefore constitutes me “consenting” to be extorted and dominated is just plain stupid. Apparently all any street gang or Mafia has to do is say, “Hey, this place is our turf now!” and by the statist reasoning, anyone who still decides to stay in that area would be “agreeing” to do whatever the gang says.

Government: Always a Bad Deal

When the average, well-trained statist says, “I’m proud to pay my taxes, because I like to have roads!” they are demonstrating not only a serious degree of Stockholm Syndrome (it’s pretty stupid to be “proud” of being forced to buy a product, even if the product is good), but they are also demonstrating profound economic ignorance.

Most People Act in a Peaceful, Friendly, Voluntary Way

What you personally experience on a daily basis is a far more accurate indication of reality than what you will see or hear almost anywhere else, including right here. I talk about examples of authoritarian evil and injustice all the time, and there is certainly no shortage of examples. But hearing about that so often can make one feel depressed, overwhelmed, discouraged and hopeless. So I’m flinging this message out there to give a bit of balance.