Words Count

Nobody asked but … Today I saw a huge, black SUV, and its model name was “Armada?”  I am very sorry to see this completely irrelevant bandying about of words that stem from war.  And I suppose the mammoth, black SUV fad was started by Blackwater and the fighting-for-democracy bunch otherwise known as neo-cons.  I…

More on Bullies

Nobody asked but … I couldn’t agree with you more, Skyler, in your blog “On Bullycide.”  And the ultimate example of bullying is presented by the state.  Bullying is in the nature of the state.  And the most egregious bullying segments of the bullying state are the justice system and the education system, both of…

The Failure of Analogy

Nobody asked but … Parrish, your well-taken criticism of rock-paper-scissors is on the nose (an analogy).  The problem is with the analogy itself.  The analogy tries to mix physical objectivity with metaphysical logic.  The physical scissors can cut (physical behavior) or be broken (physical behavior).  The paper can be cut (physically) or it can cover…