Unlucky vs. Evil

I don’t for a second believe the person who committed negligent homicide intended to cause harm. Yes he made bad choices, but so do we all. But cops make the conscious decision to do what they do; they intend to commit the acts they commit–acts of enforcement of counterfeit “laws”–in exchange for stolen money.

Liberty Butts

It’s interesting to me how committed most people are to liberty. Liberty… but not if it means leaving people alone to do things I don’t like. Liberty… unless it means I can’t control other people. Liberty… except when people want to use their property in ways that annoy me.

Stupid or Stubborn?

If someone is doing something the wrong way–and I don’t mean in a way you simply don’t like, but one which doesn’t work very well, when there is a better way which is not more difficult, complicated, or inconvenient–and you show them the better way, but they never stop doing it the wrong way, what explains their behavior? Inertia? Habit? Or something else?

Don’t Lose Your Way

Over the years I have noticed a tendency for people to start out good, and then begin to veer off-course. I could list so many I have seen this happen to–both “libertarian famous” and “nobodies.” They start out rationally standing up for Rightful Liberty, or however you choose to refer to this concept which (I hope) unites us, but then something triggers them to start following a false trail.