A “State” is a Failed Society

If a dishonest surgeon performs an unnecessary heart transplant on a patient, and it fails, the patient will die. Even if it doesn’t “fail”, it was a really bad idea. The patient has been harmed whether he realizes it or not. The heart transplant was not a good idea, nor was the one performing it a good guy trying to help. A state is the same.

Regulation of “Social Media”?

I’ve never been convinced that a corporation is a private business. They chose to get in bed with the state for special favors. They frequently use government “laws” to stifle competition. And, recently, they sell out their users to the state. They look, feel, and smell state-like to me. No, this doesn’t mean I want government to “regulate” them. Nor do I want them “taxed”. It just means I don’t trust them. That some of them are agitating to be regulated by the state makes me trust them even less. It’s a dirty move.

Triggering a Debunker

I’ve had an interest in UFOs since I was a kid. In fact, I know exactly when my interest started: in 1973. That year– and I know what year it was because I moved a lot as a kid and know where I lived when this happened–  a classmate told me and others that his grandfather had told him of the time he saw pieces of a crashed “flying saucer” when they were brought to the military base he was stationed at in Ft. Worth, Texas, following its crash in New Mexico.