New Information Will Change Minds

My beliefs have changed since I was young. In every case, I believed I was right until new information made me change my mind. Afterward, I once again believed I was right until the next time something made me change my mind again. I never much regretted changing my mind, but I occasionally wished what I believed before had been right. The old belief was more comfortable or comforting than the new belief. If I could still believe what I believed before I wouldn’t have changed my belief.

Placing The Solutions Off-Limits

“How can we solve this or that problem? Oh, and you’re not allowed to change anything that matters! That would be crazy!”

Found somewhere on the internet


“How can we solve this or that problem? Oh, and you’re not allowed to change anything that matters! That would be crazy!”

How often do you see this kind of thing from statists? All the time? I do.