Instead of Good vs. Evil: Creative vs. Destructive Acts

Many people in our post-religious world are skeptical of the categories of “good” vs. “evil.” And they should be. Most of us inherit duty-based moralities that have tradition behind them, but little enough clear reasoning. And since most inherited religious moral codes differ from modern peoples’ intuitions and inclinations, most people are even more likely to write off “good” and “evil” as outdated notions. But we all still ask the question “how should we act?”

10 Life Tweaks I’ve Been Enjoying Lately

I’m skeptical of “simple tricks to get a better life.” If you aren’t working on the core stuff (integrity, productivity, courage, kindness, etc), all the modifications and habits and gear in the world won’t work to improve your core sense of well-being. But when you are working on yourself, there are some real “life tweaks” that can help you down the very, very long path to “the good life”.