Myth and Truth About Libertarianism

Guest post by Murray Rothbard. Libertarianism is the fastest growing political creed in America today. Before judging and evaluating libertarianism, it is vitally important to find out precisely what that doctrine is, and, more particularly, what it is not. It is especially important to clear up a number of misconceptions about libertarianism that are held…

Confronting the Myth of Gun Control

Guest post by Faisal Moghul. In the wake of the Batman massacre in Aurora, Colorado, and now the Sikh Temple attack in Oak Tree, Wisconsin, the mainstream media’s propaganda blitz has predictably inundated the airwaves with the conventional, yet fallacious, orthodoxy that more guns equal more armed crime. Against this backdrop, some lawmakers have sought…

Voluntaryism is for Everyone

Guest post by You already believe in voluntary interactions; I’d be willing to bet that 95% of your life, or more, is made of purely voluntary interactions. You probably talk to other people peacefully, you trade voluntarily, and you get whatever it is you want from life without forcing other people to obey you…