Just Market Exchanges

Editor’s Pick. Written by Neera Badhwar. Aristotle defines a voluntary act as one that has its cause in the agent rather than an external force, and that is done in knowledge of the relevant particulars. This is entirely commonsensical. Everyone would agree that in being blown away by the twister, Dorothy leaves Kansas involuntarily, and…

Economics, Not Engineering

Editor’s Pick. Written by Sandy Ikeda. Let’s say we lived in the kind of world in which the government could eliminate some well-recognized social problem, say violent crime, by simply passing a law. Although you may like that particular outcome, the question is, would you want to live in such a world? While some might…

The Rich – Poor Gap

Editor’s Pick. Written by Slappy Jones II. Every now and then I come across an article or hear someone on the radio talking about the gap between the rich and the poor getting larger. They’ll typically throw out a stat saying something like “The economy grew X amount, and the top 1% saw 90% of…

Nurturing Peacefulness

Editor’s Pick. Written by Kerry Spina. Just the word ‘stress’ can make our heart pound, thoughts run wild and body react. Peacefulness is a virtue that can bring the opposite reaction to stress. Balance is restored and nurtured with peacefulness. Peacefulness gives us permission to rest and care for ourselves. It fosters harmonious and respectful…

Hierarchy or the Market

Editor’s Pick. Written by Kevin Carson. In an article in last June’s Freeman (2007), I applied some ideas from the socialist-calculation debate to the private corporation and examined the extent to which it is an island of calculational chaos in the market economy. I’d like to expand that line of analysis now and apply some common…