There Is No Political Solution

Editor’s Pick. Written by Michael Suede. In the end, there are only technological solutions. That means you don’t have to worry about politics as long as technology keeps progressing. Politics is a problem. Technology finds ways of eliminating problems.. ALL problems. Got a problem moving things? Man invents the wheel. Got a problem adding things?…

Social Contract Fallacy

Editor’s Pick. Written by AC. You are a slave. If you’ve ever argued with a government apologist, you’ve heard the social contract fallacy. It says that even though government does evil things like steal your money and kill people, that is okay because everyone agreed to live under the government’s rule. Of course, there is…

Mindfulness and Unschooling

Editor’s Pick. Written by Pam Laricchia. I love the variety of words that express the concept of being mindful: observant, aware, attentive, conscientious, careful, cognizant, considerate, present, respectful, thoughtful, sensible. Living mindfully is another skill that I picked up as I played with creating a solid unschooling environment in our home. Being mindful walks hand-in-hand…

Gun Control is Violence

Editor’s Pick. Written by Anthony Gregory. Mohandas Gandhi, the greatest pacifist of the 20th century, is widely quoted as having said, “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving the whole nation of arms as the blackest.” Some have struggled to reconcile his pacifism with…

Intellectual Property Cannot Be Property

Editor’s Pick. Written by Joseph Diedrich. What is property? More specifically, at its essential theoretical core, beyond the artifice of legal fiat, what is property? Somewhat broadly, property is anything that satisfies each of the following requirements: property is scarce; property possesses objective (intersubjectively ascertainable) borders; and property has a determinable temporal genesis. The theory…