Why Don’t You Steal?

Editor’s Pick. Written by Wendy McElroy. As a starting point, I assume readers do not engage in the initiation of force, including theft. You may refrain from doing so because of a moral code or from a respect for rights. But, at least for me, the admonition not to steal isn’t written in stone. I…

Two Kinds of Power

Editor’s Pick. Written by Scott Noelle. Most people in our culture are confused about power. Everyone wants it, but few trust it. We have painful memories of our parents or other elders using their power against us. Parents who value peace and gentleness often disown their power for fear of abusing it. You can end…

Disproving the State

Editor’s Pick. Written by Stefan Molyneux. Two objections constantly recur whenever the subject of dissolving the State arises. The first is that a free society is only possible if people are perfectly good or rational. In other words, citizens need a centralized State because there are evil people in the world. The first and most…

Superman and Freedom

Editor’s Pick. Written by Chris Brown in November 2008. If man is really free, how can we account for his inability to fly, to travel through time, to leap across the ocean, for not being omniscient or omnipotent? In short, wouldn’t man have to be more like Superman to actually be free? Man is constrained…

Why Bitcoin Matters

Editor’s Pick. Written by Marc Andreessen. A mysterious new technology emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, but actually the result of two decades of intense research and development by nearly anonymous researchers. Political idealists project visions of liberation and revolution onto it; establishment elites heap contempt and scorn on it. On the other hand, technologists –…