What Do Liberal Abusers Really Think?

#MeToo’s most notorious alleged sexual predators, Harvey Weinstein and Eric Schneiderman, were also prominent liberals.  Even if both of these figures miraculously turned out to be innocent, there must be plenty of vocally left-wing perpetrators of sexual violence.  My question: What do liberal abusers really think?  What’s actually going on inside their heads? 

Funding Higher Education Debate: My Opening Statement

Why should higher education receive government support?  There are two main arguments. The first is the economic argument.  Government support is allegedly economically beneficial not merely for individual students, but for society as a whole. The second is the humanistic argument. Economic effects aside, government support is vital for the promotion of intrinsically valuable ideas, culture, and values. 

Irrational and Negligent

What’s wrong with your intellectual opponents?  One of the most popular answers is that they’re “stupid and evil.”  Most of the thinkers I respect go out of their way to disavow this facile answer.  Indeed, most of the thinkers I respect go out of their way to praise their opponents’ intelligence and virtue.  They don’t merely opine, “We can disagree without being disagreeable.”  They put those who disagree with them on a pedestal. My respect notwithstanding, this seems odd.  If your opponents are so great, why are they still your opponents?