The Steadfast Inner Freedom of People of Good Will

The role of the most influential “Eastern” regimes is to dazzle classic, brutal tyranny; the role of the most influential “Western” regimes is to suggest that the only alternative to it is green-neo-Marxist “caring” tyranny, and the role of people of good will is to promote awareness that this a fundamentally false choice.

In other words, the role of people of good will is to steadfastly lead by example that, on the one hand, the plague, which kills the body, and on the other hand, the cholera kills the soul, can live independently, consciously and dignified to the very end, without entering into any humiliating alliances, dictated by fear, fatigue or misunderstood pragmatism.

For only then will the ideological purity of the dove and the pragmatic cunning of the serpent be preserved, knowing that the invincible inner freedom typical of such a state of affairs is worth rejecting all the misleading promises of the kingdoms of this world.

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“You are what you value. I value: individual liberty, economic common sense, logical rigour, clarity of thought, intellectual integrity and quiet charity.”