Why Unity is Bullshit

“Unity” is usually a message to merely shut you up and to get you to go along with bullshit. It is a message of social intimidation. Once a person and/or their values can be justified in defining the group, they perpetuate their power by telling everyone that unity is doing what authority wants. It is perpetuated by those with power and dim people looking to merely get along, and is used to otherize dissent. It is used to make people look at dissenters as disunifiers and for people to make them outcasts.

Glub, Glub, Glub…

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

Who do you want conducting the orchest…


I’ve spent over 30 years arguing about ideas.  During those decades, I’ve learned a lot.  I’ve changed my mind.  I’ve changed minds. Normally, however, arguing about ideas is fruitless.  Tempers fray.  Discussion goes in circles.  Each and every mental corruption that Philip Tetlock has explored rears its ugly epistemic head.  You even lose friends.

Liberty Quotes: Larken Rose, Robert Higgs, Teddy Roosevelt, & Mark Skousen (24m) – Episode 420

Episode 420 has Skyler giving his commentary on a quote by Larken Rose on there being no country on earth for freedom lovers; by Robert Higgs on the fundamental difference between markets and governments; by Teddy Roosevelt on the soulless twins that are the two major political parties; and by Mark Skousen on what constitutes a civilized society.