Writer’s Break

Nobody asked but …

I am taking a break in the type of posts I usually make, to call to your attention instances of standing on the shoulders of giants.

Skyler Collins, in his podcast series, Editor’s Break, is referring you to posts which have been published or syndicated at EVC.  Then he is adding his observations and comments and analysis, most excellently.  Let me be quick to extend this to say that I am not implying in any way that Skyler is not a giant in his own right — au contraire.  Let’s remember that the guy who came up with the “standing on the shoulders of giants” image was Isaac Newton, a giant among giants.  Nor do I, since Skyler references my posts as well, claim to be a giant.  I just try to hang in there.

What I like best is how Skyler sheds a second light on, or maybe illuminates for the first time, ideas that can bear repeating.

In any event, if you are missing these gems from Skyler, run, don’t walk, to your nearest podcast player.  You will be glad you did.

— Kilgore Forelle