Who Will Make You Safe?

Nobody asked but …

Who will keep you safe?  Every politician now running for office claims, pretends to guarantee, that he/she will.  I got some election flyers in my mailbox last week.  Half of the requests told me that the opposition was involved in pedophilia.  All I had to do was align myself with a spotless citizen whom was gracious enough to warn me of the alleged perversion.  When I and my contemporaries pick the right horse, we will be safe from this outrage.

In a more general sense, many of the rest promised only to keep me safe from all evil — Senator Jack S. Phogbound will keep [your state] safe from [your favorite terror].

Can you believe it?  Do so at your own risk.  Actually, there is no risk that any politician will protect you from any horror.  He/she will not.  If you are dependent on a politician to provide you with an omnipotent safety blanket, go fish.

— Kilgore Forelle