On Utah Politics II

It should be obvious to any observer of the recent Mormon Church’s interference in Utah politics that this organization is thoroughly opposed to anything resembling liberty. Not once, to my knowledge, in all of their efforts to portray their concerns about the medical marijuana ballot initiative either directly or through their lawyers have they expressed a commitment to the principles of liberty. The words “liberty” or “freedom” are completely absent in their official statement, their lawyers’ first analysis, and their lawyers’ “rebuttal” to Libertas Institute’s critique of it. On the contrary, their primary concern seems to be that of enforced safety. In other words, they are less interested, if interested at all, in liberty, and more interested in forcing everyone else to accept what they consider to be the “safe” course on this issue. Ironically, the Mormon Church has the following verse in it’s Official Canon of Scripture, “We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” (D&C 134:2) They must have forgotten to include, “unless your conscience is concerned about liberty, your property is a particular God-created herb, and your life is not really your own.” And that’s today’s two cents.