Evil’s Supporters

Helping someone commit evil acts, or supporting them while they commit them, is just as bad as committing the evil acts yourself.

If you “Support the troops” in any way beyond supporting getting them back home where they won’t be maimed and killed by those trying to defend their homes from the invaders makes you complicit in their evil acts.

If you “Back the Blue” you’re worse than if you “Support the troops”, although it’s close. There’s no way to back the Blue Line Gang without being tainted by what they do, and there is no such critter as a “good cop“.

You might as well be out there committing evil in person.

I see a lot of people making excuses for the harm committed by both those who are out there doing evil and those sitting around supporting or fawning over the evildoers. As if circumstances or feelings change reality.

But the news isn’t all bad.

I have the greatest respect for those who were in the military and are still able to stand firmly against it, and for those who were once legislation enforcers and now stand against that “profession” without reservation. People can change for the better. They give me hope.