Anderson’s Journey, Philosophy, Stoicism For a Better Life (1h6m) – Episode 445

Episode 445 welcomes Anderson Silver to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the French language in Canada; the cultural diversity of Montreal; his journey to self-reeducation; publishing 3 books on Stoicism; how Stoicism saved his life; our physical needs versus our mental and spiritual needs; how we each have a spirit, or soul; Stoicism and parenting; the prevalence of unidentified philosophy, or people learning and choosing the wiser course of action; human capacity for good and evil; striving toward clarity in dire situations; emotions make for bad advisors; Vulcanism versus Stoicism and Virtue Ethics; Stoic insight on New Year’s resolutions; and more.

Website: Stoicism For a Better Life (Podcast)
Book: Your User’s Manual: A Guide for Purpose and an Anxiety Free Life in the 21st Century
Book: Vol 2 – Your Duality Within: A Study of Your Two Distinct & Opposing Internal Voices
Book: Vol 3 – Your Dichotomy of Control: Learn to Control Your World for a Happy Anxiety-Free Life

Listen to Episode 445 (1h6m, mp3, 64kbps)

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