This Just In

Nobody asked but …

The media are dithering again. They incorrectly interpreted the Donna Brazile story to say that elections had been rigged.  Now they are sticking to that incorrect story against a tsunami of contradicting fact.  But that’s enough of dissecting how the media get it wrong — it’s a same old version of the same old story.  What sticks with me are these takeaways:

  • The infighting among party members, of any party, is fierce and entirely predictable,
  • Politics are disgusting, and politicians are bottom-feeders,
  • The Democratic (sic) National Committee owed nothing to Bernie Sanders, the sub-not-POTUS,
  • The not-POTUS campaign owed nothing to the sub-not-POTUS,
  • The sub-not-POTUS is a member of the SOCIALIST party, ie a parasite in the Democrat primary system
  • Both major parties are deep in the process of tearing themselves apart
  • It would be “good riddance!,” but things, hideous things, will arise from the rotting slime, just in time to ruin again, next cycle, the American Dream.

— Kilgore Forelle