The Balfour Declaration

Nobody asked but …

November 2 marks the 100th Anniversary of Great Britain’s Balfour Declaration.  In 1917, PM Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild  declaring support for a Jewish homeland to be carved out from Arabic territory.  Why is it that the British feel so comfortable with this kind of mapmaking?

Elsewhere, this week at EVC, I have complained about the kind of arrogance which idealizes these usurpations.  The worldwide British Imperial diaspora is littered with orphan states and foster states.  This has been only slightly less so with the chickentracks made by European imperialism in general.  How long will it take us to outgrow the era of Christopher Columbus?  Why did the Royal Courts feel like they couldn’t explore the world without expropriating the world to the crowns of the second smallest continent?

A. J. Balfour, like the current POTUS a hundred years later, apparently believed in empty rhetoric which would insinuate itself into permanent policy.  A current example revolves around the deaths in New York City, of which our POTUS has taken advantage to expand policy regarding Islamic immigration.  In Balfour’s case, what started out to be a letter to the sitting Rothschild of the last century, turned into what would largely be mistaken for globalist policy.

What became Israel was not Great Britain’s territory to give away to Judaism and/or Zionism.  That land in the Middle East was occupied by Turkey, settled by Arabic peoples, not subject to being redistributed to another ethnic group by a third party.

— Kilgore Forelle