“You Shouldn’t Ever Need Proof to Believe a Rape Victim”

I agree with the title of this post, written by “Nicole” on Facebook. I don’t know Nicole, but she’s a font of wisdom. I’m thinking we should go further.

You shouldn’t ever need proof to believe a tattle victim.

You shouldn’t ever need proof to believe a robbery victim.

You shouldn’t ever need proof to believe an assault victim.

You shouldn’t ever need proof to believe a murder victim.

… *sigh* I can’t keep this up. what a stupid person Nicole must be. I hope you see it, too.

And she clearly thinks alleged rapists, usually men, are guilty by virtue of their accuser, usually women. All hail the infallibility of women! They would never make a false accusation. They could never make a false accusation. Women can do no wrong. All wrongdoing is done by men, clearly.

Curious, what would Nicole do if I accused her of rape?