Christian Anarchism: Communitarian or Capitalist?

Written by Alexander W. Salter for Abstract: I build on Christoyannopoulous’s (2011) compendium of Christian anarchist thought to shed light on the divergence between Christian anarcho-communitarians and Christian anarcho-capitalists. The anarcho-communitarians believe the institution of private property is contrary to the Word of Christ, while the anarcho-capitalists hold it is justifiable. I show that…

Statists Hate Free Will

Written by Jacob Hornberger for Sometimes the cashier at the grocery store asks people whether they would like to donate one dollar to some charity. Most of the people I’ve seen say no. Whenever that happens, I think to myself how statists must be grinding their teeth in anger and rage when they hear…

Religion and Freedom

Written by Robert A. Sirico for The Future of Freedom Foundation. [One] frequently hears the objection that in order to believe in God and morality, almost all means, including the mechanism of the state, are justified to promote and advance these worthy ideals. Likewise there is often, among the friends of liberty, a certain confusion,…

The State Is Our Church

Written by Bryce Beattie for It seems to me as if most of the citizens of the United States of America have stopped worshiping the god they claim to worship. Instead, they worship a bizarre and amorphous group of men and women we refer to as “The Government” or “The State”, hereafter called by…

Islam and Markets

Written by Imad A. Ahmad for The relationship between Islam and trade is not well appreciated in the West. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his wife Khadija were both merchants. The Qur’an, the Muslim scripture, is filled with parables using the language of trade. It was merchants, not soldiers, who were…

The Evils of Power Over Others

Guest post by Auberon Herbert. Excerpted from his 1908 essay “A Plea for Voluntaryism” found in The Voluntaryist Creed. Endless are the evils that power brings with it, both to those who rule and are ruled. If you hold power, your first aim and end are necessarily to preserve that power. With power, as you fondly imagine, you possess all…

Jesus Is an Anarchist

Guest post by James Redford. If it were not for Joseph and Mary’s intentional act of defying that which they knew to be king Herod the Great’s will and escaping with baby Jesus from out of Herod’s midst as fugitives to the land of Egypt, then Jesus would have been mercilessly killed, and needless to…