The Master of All Mistakes

We must learn from our mistakes. The master of all mistakes (the worst idea of all bad ideas) is the belief that force (coercion) for a good intention is moral, honorable and without adverse consequences in the long run. The “Camelot Factor,” (Might for Right) has been the modus operandi of the human race for most of recorded history—and it’s failing.

In fact, force for a good intention is worse than force for a bad intention because the harm created by force for a bad intention is recognizable from the outset, while the harm created by force for a good intention is cloaked in the shadow of pseudo-humanitarianism and it always takes decades for the resulting harm to rear its ugly head and be understood.

When the time span between the inception of a wrong and its tragic consequence takes hundreds of years, it is very difficult for the populace to accept the cause and effect relationship, especially among the intelligent, well-educated and successful people of the country. Well, it’s rearing its ugly head here in this rambling and I’m the person making you aware of it.

Today we are looking at the natural and logical results of centuries of coercion and it has been expanding at a geometric rate since approximately 1890. A sub problem, when pointing out this major problem, is that hardly anyone is willing to admit that the various political programs they favor are, in fact, examples of coercion because they see those programs as examples of humanitarianism and they see themselves as proponents of humanitarian ideals. They are wrong—dead wrong!

All of the adverse domino effects that have placed the human race in its current dangerous position can be traced back to one cause—the acceptance of coercion as the method for solving societal problems. It’s so obvious that hardly anyone sees it or wants to see it.

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Norman is a retired podiatrist who loves playing piano, writing music, lawn bowling, bridge, reading, classical music, going to movies, plays, concerts and traveling. He is not a member of any social network, nor does he plan on becoming one. Dr. Imberman has written a fantastic Christmas song which he had professionally recorded as a demonstration record. He is looking for a publisher, or A & R man, or record producer to listen to his song. It deserves to be a permanent member of the portfolio of familiar and favorite Christmas songs.