Disagreeable Me

I am not disagreeable. Really.

I don’t go out of my way to find things to disagree with. I even try to avoid situations where people will be parroting things I’ll disagree with. I want to get along with people, even if I’m not good at “going along to get along.”

But, if– in spite of my efforts– I hear or see someone advocating rape or mass murder, should I spare their delicate little feelings by remaining silent?

What if they don’t believe they are advocating such horrors? Should I avoid pointing out that is exactly what they are advocating by supporting government or cops?

I don’t like disagreeing with people, but it’s better than agreeing with them when they are being horrible. In that case, I wouldn’t respect myself. So, if I seem disagreeable, it might be a good time to look in the mirror and notice what you are advocating. It might be that you are supporting disagreeable things which good people must disagree with.